Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt, For the first website I researched facts about him on it gave me more about the journey that he took called the river of doubt. He and 55 other men went on a journey to explore and map the river of doubt. They left for this expedition December 1913, the expedition went disastrously wrong. Three months later Roosevelt wanted to take his life as he was lying on a cot inside his expedition, the last remaining one he listened to the roar of the river; he clutched the vial that he had carried for so long, he was shivering violently, his body racked with fever. Before he had left for the expedition Theodore had carries the lethal does or morphine with him for years. He had taken it to the American west, to the African savanna and, finally, down the river of Doubt-a twisting tributary deep on the amazon rain forest. The second website I researched talked about what he had suffered from, from being out there so long in the freezing cold while on his expedition. He had suffered from malaria and had developed a potentially deadly bacterial infection after slicing his leg on a boulder. The cut had quickly become infected, causing his leg to redden and swell and sending his temperature soaring to 105f. I think the first website would be the one I would go to for more information because it seemed to be the one that gave more facts. It seems like it’s more of like a book and they took it and fixed it up and put it into a website. I would say they both are real and they give good facts.

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